2022 – Stage and Lighting Design
By Carla Zúñiga. Directed by Cecilia Romo Ramírez. Produced by Teatro UNAM (Mexico’s National Autonomous University) and Mexico’s National Theatre Company.
Presented at Teatro Juan Ruiz de Alarcón.
2022 - Stage Design
By Antonio Jiménez. Directed by Antonio Jiménez and Manuel Cruz Vivas. Produced by David Castillo, 25 producciones and Velocidad Escape Teatro.
2022 - Lighting design.
By Antonio Soria. Choreography and direction by Antonio Soria. Production by Proyecto IgualDesigual. Presented at Teatro de la Ciudad Esperanza Iris.
2021 - Lighting Design.
By Hugo Wirth. Direction by Mauricio Garcia Lozano. Production by Mexico's National Theater Company. Presented at Sala Hector Mendoza.